In the circuit shown, the switch was kept in Position 1 for a long time. Then, the switch is shifted from Position 1 to Position 2. Find the charge on the 4 µF capacitor in the end.
64 µC
40 µC
24 µC
16 µC
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Solved Examples
In the circuit shown, there was no current in either of the inductors for a long time. Then, at t=0 seconds, switches sw1 and sw2 are moved to positions 1 and 3 respectively. Then, at t = 0.2 seconds, switch sw1 is shifted to Position 2. At t = 0.5 seconds, switch sw2 is shifted to Position 4. Find the magnitude of the current i in the wire at t = 0.8 seconds.
0.5 A
1 A
2 A
3 A
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